The Art ‘Hack’ that is WAY Easier Than it Looks

As the title suggests, I’ve recently learned a painting technique that was way easier than I ever suspected.

I’ve always admired paintings of rain—especially the super complicated ones with raindrops on a window. Soooooo cool, right?

Well, I thought that painting rain was super hard, so I never tried it.

Until last Friday, when I saw a tutorial of a rainy window painting . . . and my mind was completely blown.

Wait, WHAT?!?! It’s THAT easy?!?!

Yep, it’s that easy.

Allow me to explain how this crazy-simple way of painting rain works.

  • First, paint the background (what is behind the window pane). In my case, it was a foggy-looking cloudy sunset with a tree (the tree turned out terribly, by the way XD).
  • Second, sprinkle white dots of paint across the entire painting. The guy in the video used a toothbrush that he rubbed with his finger. I didn’t have a toothbrush handy, so I used a fan brush and whacked it not-so-gently on my finger (it worked pretty well, actually).
  • Third, use a very tiny brush to place black dots all over where you want raindrops.
  • Fourth (still using the tiny brush), add little white dots and Vs underneath the black ones.

Ta-da! Seriously, that’s it.

You can also add wavy white lines with black shadows steaking down the glass to make it seem like enough water was collected to streak down your window!

And if you want, you can add something on the close side of the glass, which I did in the example below!

Unwittingly, I’d spent many years avoiding rainy paintings because I thought they were hard. All this time, I could have been painting rain all over the place!

So I’m here to tell you, “Don’t avoid raindrops!” They’re NOT that hard, and the effect is pretty stunning if you ask me. 😀 So go paint some water! LOL.

Here’s the painting I did, as an example for ya’ll. 😉

What amazing art techniques have you picked up on lately? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

God bless,


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