About Me

Photo by Valeriia Miller on Pexels.com



Hey, and welcome to my blog!

You can call me Janet! It isn’t my real name, but my Penname 😀

I have a strong passion for each of the three topics I’ll be writing about on this bog – art, writing, and Jesus Christ. I’ve wanted to share my thoughts on each of these for while, and what better way that on a blog?

I publish two blog posts each week, on Mondays and Thursdays. I rotate between Art, Writing, and Evangelism posts 😀

Other that the three already listed, some things I enjoy are baking, singing, playing piano (some), reading, and math. I also love sunsets, sunrises, chickens, and flowers!

I want to thank my dad, my brother, Lily Troutman, and Malachi Gibson for inspiring me to start this blog 😀