Has it Been Three Weeks?!

*pops in*

*waves hello*

Uhhh, hi, y’all! It’s been awhile—as in three weeks—since I last posted. Maybe some of you noticed, maybe you didn’t. Either way, I did. 😂

Those three weeks have been full of interesting things, such as 

  1. My first time drafting my novel six days in a row
  2. My first time entirely neglecting to draft my novel for the next five days in a row
  3. My first time neglecting my blog without warning
  4. My first time in several years drawing a one-point-perspective room design
  5. My first time accidentally putting a book on hold at the library in Spanish, not english 😂
  6. Business troubles (yes, I run my own business. And yes, it is having troubles.)
  7. Story anxiety and some self-doubt that I’ve told no one about 😂 (until now)
  8. Refocusing on God and trying to stay on track with Him
  9. Computer issues
  10. More research on graphic design

And much more! I won’t get into all of these things today (and maybe I won’t dive into details on some of them ever), but I would like to attempt explaining why I’ve been absent from my blog with no warning for almost a month.

First of all, I’ve been thinking about redoing my site—giving it a makeover. I’d like to have some sort of author blog and/or email list soon, in preparation for publishing and selling my books. However, I decided to put off making that decision for a while, so for now I’ll be sticking to the regular blog. 

My posting schedule may change a bit though, since I’ve been overwhelmed lately with a lot of things, and blogging has fallen a bit to the back burner. I want to take care of myself, my creativity, and my relationship with God before pushing myself to create content for readers. Sorry, y’all—I love you and I’m so thankful to have you. I hope you’ll understand.

So this unexplained three-week absence has been sort of for that reason as well—I got behind, overwhelmed, and then just quit. For a bit. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how long I’d need a break for, and I was okay with that. I’ve been learning to let myself have the space I need to recuperate, and this has been part of that journey.

Another small part of this has been college work and computer issues. I’ve been busy trying to keep on top of drafting my novel, fixing my business issues, and keeping my poor lil computer running (and not on fumes, hopefully). 

Yes, a computer replacement is on the list, hopefully in the near future.

So there you have it! I’m sincerely sorry for disappearing off the face of the internet and leaving you all hanging (if you even noticed XD), but here I am again.

From now on, I’m not sure what my posting schedule will look like. I saw a friend, Leah, announce recently that she’ll be posting only when she feels led to, and I might do the same—we’ll see. Or, ya’know, when I have something exciting to share. ;P

For now, here’s a picture of the one-point-perspective drawing that I did, since I mentioned that in my list! I hope you enjoy it. (DISCLAIMER: this is not my own design. I was copying someone’s design on Pinterest. ;P)

Also, just for fun, here are a few books I’ve read recently! 😀

Gone-Away Lake by Elisabeth Enright

I can’t say this book has a huge plot or stakes or anything, but all the same, I loved it! It’s a safe, fun middle-grade story about two kids who discover a hidden lake . . . and some interesting people. I highly recommend this for a fireside story with little kids or just for curling up with yourself for a fun read!

Offsides by Lori Z. Scott

Pivoting from the fun middle-grade stories to a deeper YA novel, Offsides is an entertaining and yet heavy story. It deals with some difficult topics and staying alert to dangers young people face in the world today. It’s a good awareness story, but at the same time a heart-warming story of friendship, faith, and love. I’d recommend this book for older teens and parents, but I leave it to your discretion. 😀 I did really enjoy reading it!

And that’s it for today! See y’all next time, and God bless <3


Just a Little Encouragement for Those Struggling (+happy 2024!)

Good morning, everyone! Happy New Year to y’all😃It’s crazy to me that another year has gone by, but I’m excited for what 2024 holds!

On to the post: today I wanted to talk about something that’s been on my heart for a couple weeks—encouragement. This is something we all need at some point or another, but it was strongly brought to my attention a few weeks ago on a call with some fellow students in the Author Conservatory.

A couple of the gals on the call have been struggling lately with both life and writing, and all of us on that call gathered together to give them some encouragement and lift them up. We prayed for them, and afterward, they both said they were feeling a bit better.

But it didn’t just benefit those girls! It also gave me new strength and hope, and it encouraged me! So I’d like to just remind you today—whoever and wherever you are—of these important things.

  1. Nothing is too big or too small for God. Ever. 
  2. He loves you. Forever.
  3. If you have believed in Jesus, God has got you. He holds you in his arms!
  4. Every trial and every problem is there for a reason—a growth opportunity. Seek His will and He will guide you through it. Always.
  5. He is the ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, so don’t underestimate Him or His power. He rules the entire world, and He can and will take care of you.

And that’s it! I’m not going to give a whole speech or anything. I just want you to keep those simple facts in mind, and I hope they encourage you like they did me. <3

God bless,
