My New Posting “Schedule” and a Few Other Things

Good morning, everyone! Or afternoon, evening, night—whatever time it may be for you, my wonderful reader. (I typed “wonderful,” and for some reason it autocorrected to “wondering” . . . I’m not sure what to think about that. I suppose you could be wondering too, right?)

Well, I shall try to fix that, if you are indeed wondering.

This post is about a few things—most importantly my posting schedule.

As you probably know, I’ve been really busy these last few weeks—as you can infer from the unexplained (until afterwards) absence of three weeks! Then, just a few posts scattered here and there.

What’s going on? Well, if you’d like the whole rundown, read this post—it gives a lot more details. For this post, I’ll stick to raw content.

Raw content? Not like red meat, you say? No, of course not. I’m not actually sure what I mean by “raw content,” other than skipping all the fluff and jumping right to the point.

(What about the above paragraph, you say? Isn’t that fluff? (No comment.))

Well . . . let’s jump to the point, shall we? 

My posting schedule is officially not a schedule anymore. You see, trying to stick to a single day every week at a specific time, while beneficial for building consistency, is not the best idea for me right now. I don’t want to eek out a useless or less-than-great post every week just for the sake of fulfilling my own “schedule.” I want to focus on quality above quantity, both for my own sanity and for your own.

I want you to know (yes, you, the person reading this!) that I really, really appreciate your time! I am so thankful for every single one of you, my readers and followers. And I want to produce good things for you to read!

So thus, no schedule. 

Of course, I’ll have a goal of posting at least once every two weeks, since just abandoning my blog isn’t the best thing to do (haha, speaking from experience here!). But as for every Monday, who knows? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I’ll post on Saturday instead (oh, wait . . . that’s what I’m doing . . . XD). Or Saturday. Maybe 9pm on Tuesday? Why not?

The point is, I will write posts when I feel led to or have something worth posting about. Hopefully, that’s more often than not, but we shall see. 😀 Thank you for bearing with me as I make this little change! 

Alright, that’s all, folks! Thanks for reading and God bless!


P.S. Here are two gifts for you!

  1. A verse: John 14:27—“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
  2. A collage I made for you in Canva (perhaps slightly Shire inspired, since I’ve been reading The Lord of the Rings lately)! This is big enough to be a desktop screensaver if you like. Just right click to download. 😀