A Life-Update-That-Isn’t-Really-a-Life-Update

pink petaled flowers closeup photo

Projects. Work. Family. Spring.

These are things that I have been focusing on a lot lately. This post will be a bit different than my usual ones, so please bear with me! ;P

First off, the projects. I have had several unfinished projects sitting around for a while, which is detrimental to my focus on other things. I’m a very visual person, so if I see it I think about it. And on the flip side, if I don’t see it . . . well, I forget about it.

For example, I had a mini DIY house sitting on my shelf—unfinished. It was a project I started nearly a year ago (yikes!), but never finished because the person I was doing it with had given up on it.

So on one of the days I got off work a little early, I decided to go ahead and finish it, once and for al. It took about 5 hours, but I entertained myself by listening to some Sherlock Holmes audiobooks (this is a really good pastime!).

I finished the mini house that night, including the lights and wiring, which is one of the most delicate parts!

I also did a painting I’d been needing to do in preparation for an ART CLASS I’m teaching! (This was impromptu, we’ll see how it goes XD).

That’s just a peek at some of the projects I’ve been working on, but there are several more! I must say, having those done—or at least in progress again—has been super helpful to my productivity!

Next, the work. There are a lot of bigger projects around the house that my family and I have been working on (well, my brother is doing most of the heavy lifting ;)), and working together as a family is super fun (this ties in with the family part above)! This includes building a deck and retaining wall and just generally getting things ready for summer!

Also, I must mention the spring. It’s finally here! (Well, I hope so. Who knows, it may snow tomorrow. XD)

I  spent a good hour and a half out in the sun on Tuesday, just soaking it in and working on an assignment for the Author Conservatory. And yes, I got a tad sunburnt! It’s actually been almost hot the last two or three days, which is AMAZING! Last week it was chilly and trying to rain.

The weather has also made me feel happier. At work, one of my coworkers kept bothering me for not smiling enough (I sometimes have trouble keeping a smile on my face all the time, even when I feel happy inside). But yesterday, I was joyful all day, and this same coworker noticed, asking what made me so happy. Well, the weather and Jesus of course!

It’s so nice to see the sun shining outside and have a gentle breeze come in when we open the windows! There may be times when it gets a little too hot for our liking, but it’s a nice change from winter!

That about wraps up my sort-of-life-update-that–wasn’t-really-a-life-update! It was basically just some wonderful blessings from God that I’ve been focusing on and wanted to share with you!

Until next time, God bless and have a wonderful day!


PS: Monday will be my special one-year anniversary post!

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