Writing Update, Encouragement, and Some Takeaways!

Well, my friends, I’m here with a bit of a writing update as well as things I’ve learned along the way!

First, the update, since that’s pretty exciting!

In writing my novel, Camp Victory, I have reached the middle of the book! 

Well, not quite the middle of the book, actually. But the middle of the plot. See, the end half of the book has about 5,000 more words than the beginning half. So technically, I’m about 5,000 words away from the middle of my intended word count. BUT, I have reached the middle of the plot, and I think that absolutely counts for celebration!

ALSO, reaching this point in the book means, on the college side of things, that I can start brainstorming new concepts for my second novel this year! I’m so excited about this and have lots of (hopefully great) ideas!

I have also put together two of the four character collages I’ve been intending to make, so that’s super exciting! I know it took me a while, but here they are! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a suitable picture for my main character yet, so I haven’t made his collage. But here are Alisha (the “love interest” of sorts) and Conner (my main character Liam’s best friend)! I hope you like them. 🙂 Let me know what you think in the comments!



Now for some tips, tricks, and takeaways from this process:

  1. Don’t be annoyed with your schedule. I had to take a whopping two weeks off from writing because I was super busy in July, but I accepted that. I didn’t want to push myself to write when I knew I wouldn’t have much time and would be exhausted!
  2. Writing is sooooo much more fun with friends to cheer you on and a good structure/outline to keep you on track!!! I’ve written a novel or two before, and it was really hard because I was lacking those things.
  3. Find a writing time and schedule that works for you. Don’t push yourself beyond your daily limit. For me, that’s writing around 1,500 words each day, three days a week. Maybe not much, but it’s working for me!
  4. TRUST GOD THROUGH THE PROCESS!!! This is so very important! Growing closer to God has helped me tell my/His story more effectively, and He’s shown me the things He wants me to focus on in this book.
  5. Even when it feels like a slog, never EVER give up trying!!! I had to go through concepts twice, and I rewrote my outline completely before moving on to writing this book.

Now, for those of you who don’t write, this may seem a little like I’m talking a different language. But trust me, all these things apply to other projects in life as well! Learning to take this one step at a time and push through while writing has grown me a lot in other ways as well. I’m building endurance, and you can too! Whatever you’re struggling with, just keep these things in mind.

There is a wise quote from the director of the Author Conservatory that goes like this:

A fruitful life is not the result of figuring out 

how to do everything at the same time. 

It is the result of figuring out what matters 

most in any given season and being faithful in those few things.

—Brett Harris, Goal Setting For a New Year

I hope this encourages you! Until next time,

God bless,

Janet <3

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