The Parrot’s Blessing, Part 4

Part 4, yes. But also the end of the story! Enjoy! (You can find the previous sections of this story in the Menu at the top of the screen, under Writing and Short Stories😉).


The next day it was even worse. When Canon and Samantha arrived at his house, Justin had barely time to say hello when Canon was off her shoulder and in his face, squawking and flapping his wings furiously.

Warding off the bird, Justin held his hands up and backed away, waiting for him to calm down. Samantha held on tight to him, apologizing again.

But Justin wasn’t sure how long this could last. “I’m sorry, Samantha. I wish we could hang out more, but if he attacks me every time… I just don’t know how it’ll work.” He grimaced inwardly, hating himself for suggesting it.

Samantha’s ever-present smile dissapeared as she looked at him. Canon was in her arms, struggling for his freedom. “I can just leave him at home, if that works.”

Justin nodded slowly. “That might work. But what about today? I wouldn’t want to make you have to hold him all the time.”

“Here, take the camera.” She held it out to him underneath the bird. He took it quickly, barely avoiding Canon’s beak.

“Thief!” The bird screeched, bucking in Samantha’s arms.

“If you can look at it while we walk, he should be fine. He seems to only be angry when you’re near me.” She explained.

Justin nodded, wishing it wasn’t so. They started off, Justin admiring the small camera and inspecting it briefly. There was nothing obvious that was broken or in bad repair, so he told her he’d have to take it apart at home to get a closer look.

After that, they carried on a choppy conversation above Canon’s constant insults. It might have seemed funny if he were reading it in a book, but as it was, Justin saw no humor in the annoying and awkward situation.

After their walk was over, Samantha left Justin with her camera, saying she’d be back the next day (without Canon) to pick it up.

He worked on it that evening, finding and fixing the broken lense. He tested it by taking a photo of a flower vase on the dining room table, then set it on his desk and went to bed after praying with his parents.

The next morning, he was eating a quick breakfast when Samantha knocked on the door. His mother waved goodbye as he swung a jacket on and rushed out the door, grabbing the camera.

“Good morning! You’re in a rush.” Samantha joked as he exploded out the door.

“Sorry. I was eating breakfast when you came.” He explained, holding out the camera. “I fixed it!”

Delighted, Samantha turned it on and held it up. “Thank you! I—” At this moment, a sneaky bird dropped down from the roof and landed on her shoudler.

Shock and habitual fear ran through Justin, as he stared at the escaped parrot. “How’d he get out?”

Samantha was silent, glancing at her bird suspiciously. Pocketing her camera, she took the bird onto her wrist, where he sat looking at them both with a look that said, what did I do?

“I left him in his cage…” Samantha muttered, cocking her head to one side. Canon mirrored the image, causing them both to laugh. Then he turned and stared at Justin for a long moment.

Warily, Justin raised a hand and waved awkwardly, hoping he wouldn’t anger the parrot on accident. But Canon didn’t seem inclined to attack, and actually flew to his outstretched arm and perched there.

“Nice boy!” He squaked loudly. Justin winced, but smiled nervously as Canon rubbed his head on his shoulder. Why’d he have to say that of all things?

“Well, I guess he’s okay with you now.” Samantha said wonderingly. Canon bobbed his head up and down, the walked down Justin’s arm to his owner. He stuck his head the pocket of her yellow hoodie, pulling out the string handle of the camera. Before he could finish pulling out the newly-fixed device, Samantha gently released the string from his beak.

“I think I understand now—he trusts you because you fixed my camera! Or something like that, at least. You’ve proved yourself to be a good guy—or as he says, a nice boy—and now he’s ok with us being friends.” Samantha said slowly.

Justin smiled, relieved at the strange but reasonable explanation. “Well, that’s good I guess. Although I never thought I’d need a parrot’s blessing to be friends with someone.”

Samantha laughed. “True, it’s sorta strange and hilarious. C’mon, let’s go walk!”



And there you are! The end of the story. 😊 I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

God bless,


How Old Hobbies Affect Your Current Skills

When I was nine or so, my grandma started going to a watercolor class held at a local college. I really wanted to go with her since I was very into watercolor at that point in time, but the age limit was 16.

But Grandma, being the amazing grandma that she is, offered to teach me what she’d learned on Wednesday afternoons after the class in the morning.

I was thrilled to accept!

We painted every Wednesday afternoon for the duration of the class, which was about 6 months. I learned a ton about watercolor during that time and loved spending time with Grandma as well!

Where am I going with this?

Well, after that class was over, I got a watercolor book and tried to paint on my own. I’d still go over sometimes and paint with Grandma but not as often—and pretty soon I dropped it altogether, except for a few paintings here and there.

It’s now been several years since I touched watercolor paints, but my mom recently found an artist on YouTube that does crazy cool watercolor paintings . . .

And my mom decided to try it out! I was intrigued and followed along as well for fun.

It was awesome!

After that, I decided to try doing a couple other paintings on my own . . . but I wasn’t sure how they’d turn out. Sure, I’m pretty good at other art, but acrylics and markers are a whole lot different than watercolor!

My mom gave me a watercolor paper postcard booklet a while ago, which I’d used for one painting on our vacation to the Ark Encounter, and I decided to use that as a small project to start with.

My first try was . . . okay. I wasn’t thrilled with it, but it was pretty good for how little practice I’d had.

I’ve done at least one painting every day since then, and it’s been amazing to see how easy it is once I got the hang of it again!

These next two are some I did with the freestyle technique, where you paint the colors and and then add pen over the top. This was great fun to try out!

Personally, I think that all the painting I did with Grandma years ago helped me out here. Having learned how to do it before made it easier for me to get the hang of it again.

What are some old hobbies that you haven’t touched in a while? Perhaps you’d be better at them than you think if you picked them up again! Your brain is astounding at holding on to memories and skills that just need to be dusted off!

Another thought I had concerning this is that what you’re good at when you’re young will affect what you’re good at when you’re older.

Perhaps you spend a lot of time playing video games or painting, or playing music. Whatever you do now as a hobby or pastime, you’ll be very good at that when you’re older. So make sure you’re doing worthwhile things! 😉

Have you ever done watercolor or other types of painting? What’s your favorite medium? I’d love to hear in the comments!

God bless,


Getting Back on Track—for Your Sake and for God!

Shirking responsibilities is something I’ve been very good at lately.

Yes, I’m going to be honest here, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Because in a small way, this has to do with you, my readers, and you deserve to know what’s been going on!

I started this blog with the goal of posting twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. Early in the morning. Well, I haven’t been doing that as much recently…

Yes, I still post on Mondays and Fridays, but a lot of times I don’t get my post out until the afternoon after I get home from work. You may not have noticed it, but I do. And I feel really bad about it.

The reason my posting schedule has been off recently is because I’ve been shirking responsibilities, and my blog isn’t the only thing suffering from it! I’ve also been patchy in my Bible reading *cringe* (see, I’m being very honest here).

Even though the chances are you, my readers, haven’t noticed, I do—and God does (especially about the Bible reading!). And even more importantly, God cares a lot about it.

Maybe you’ve been in this situation before, or are in it now. Let me encourage you, as someone who knows what it’s like, to bite the bullet and get on it, before the consequences of your shirking start affecting more people than just you!

God doesn’t appreciate it when we commit to do something and fail at it. Even if we just fail a little bit, forget part of it, or take a long time to do it, it’s still representative of our faithfulness to any given chore. And that can and will overlay into our spiritual life as well.

Sadly, it has done this for me (or rather, I’ll say, had done this. I have already recommitted to keeping up with my commitments). I allowed my shirking habit to take over my love for Jesus, and I have suffered for it.


In my everyday life, my attitude was off and my focus unclear. When I’d get home from work, I’d feel like there was something I should be doing (ie: reading the Bible!), but I couldn’t remember what it was. I’d spend the rest of the day just wandering around aimlessly wasting time.

Why couldn’t I remember what I was supposed to do? I think there are several reasons, among them being that since I hadn’t read my Bible first thing in the morning, my brain felt like it shouldn’t have to later on (ouch!). Also, I’d allowed Satan to cloud my judgement and distract me. I won’t let him do that again!

I was able to get a handle on my wandering habits pretty quickly, but I know there are many others out there that still struggle with this. I will be praying for you, and I hope this post encouraged you to get back on track—for your own sake and those around you. Remember, even when you think it’s only affecting you, God is still there— it pains him as well!

God bless,


Introducing: My New WIP!

Hello again! I’m so excited to share with you today a brief look at my newest writing project!

I joined an online authorship college at the end of February, and so far it’s been so much fun! I’ve made a lot of progress and learned how it all works, and, after submitting several story ideas for critique, I finally know what my next novel will be!

The following is the first rendition of my concept, but beware! Rough roads ahead with many plot holes and bumps along the way. 😉

When Dan’s latest prank backfires, the teenage jokester finds himself in an insane asylum. And when no one will believe him when he says he really is sane, he starts to question the facts himself. Who will believe him if he doesn’t believe himself? He must escape, but what if the crazy things he keeps seeing aren’t his imagination? To prove himself sane, he must confront the insanity and discover why he’s really there.

This is a very rough first idea, and it needs a lot of work. But I think it can go far and develop into a wonderful story! My next step will be to work out character arcs . . . but, honestly, the only character I have right now is Dan. I need to come up with supporting actors, so to speak, along with villains and all that fun stuff!

Besides the excitement of knowing my story, I won’t be stuck in the following situation anymore:

One day at work last week, one of my co-workers asked me what I wanted to do in college.

“I’m going to an author college!” I responded, explaining some other details.

“That sounds like fun. What are you writing?” she asked.

“I’m not sure yet . . .”

Lol! I will be able to tell her what I’m writing now. Hooray!

I’m so glad God is moving me forward quickly and helping me along the way. I’ve had amazing moments of inspiration several times, and I know those came from Him. 😃

Are you intrigued by my story concept? Would you be interested in me sharing little snippets or characters along the way? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

God bless,

Janet ✍️

It’s St. Patrick’s Day! (plus fun goodies 😀)

Hello and Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!!! Today we have an extra (Irish themed 🍀) post, with special goodies at the end! 

In honor of St. Patty, I’ve drawn a legendary fantasy character whose roots are found in old Irish legends and stories … a leprechaun!

This particular leprechaun bears the name of Lowerion. He is one of my newest characters, and he has an interesting story…

But I shouldn’t jump ahead of myself.

First, allow me to introduce you to this little mischief maker!

This drawing took me about an hour to finish, but as you could probably see, he isn’t actually finished! He is lacking color, and color is one of the most important parts of the leprechaun’s identity.

Why didn’t I color poor Lowerion?

Because I wanted to let you do that! This image is free for you to download and print out, and to make it even easier, I’ve put a pdf download below!👇You can even add color digitally, if you’d like!

If you do end up coloring Lowerion, I’d love to see how it turns out—just post a picture in the comments. 😀 I’d love to see your creativity!

And now on to the best part of this post … Lowerion’s story. You see, when I came up with this cute Leprechaun character, I couldn’t help but write a fun little story about him!

If you have a hankering for a bit of leprechaun confusion to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, look no further than my short story Guest in Disguise! Just put in your email below and I’ll send it right to you (and it’s free! 😀)!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and I hope you all have a luckily blessed day and don’t get pinched for greenless attire! 😉

Fun Fact about Leprechauns: 

if you catch one, he has to grant you three wishes, 

kind of like a genie!

God bless,


Don’t Believe THIS as a New Christian!

I was at a bonfire party last week with a lot of friends. It was really fun, and we had s’mores and lots of great conversation. The most interesting thing that came up, though, was when my friend’s dad (whom I will refer to as Mr. B.) came over and joined our conversation.

Somehow or other, we got to talking about when each of us was first saved. Mr. B. was saved when he was a teenager, but sadly, he told us that he never really grew in his faith until many years later.


Because of one important lie that he believed as a new Christian.

I’m here today to tell you what that lie was and why you shouldn’t believe it.

What Is the Lie?

Mr. B. was sixteen when he got saved, and all his church friends were super happy for him! He wondered what exactly to do next to learn more about Jesus. 

His friends told him, “Well, you’ve got to read the Bible! It has everything you need to know in it! But one thing—don’t read the Old Testament. It’s irrelevant to where we are now, so reading it is just a waste of time! Stick to the New Testament, and you’ll do great!”

Hmmm … did you catch that? Don’t read the Old Testament? Not just wait till later. Oh no: don’t read it at all.

This is the lie that Mr. B. believed. He didn’t read the Old Testament for many years because he thought it didn’t apply to him.

Maybe you’ve heard this said before, and maybe you’ve believed it.

Well, please don’t believe it anymore because, as I’ve said, it’s a lie.

Isn’t It Just History?

The Old Testament is a history of the Jews, right? It’s just for them. It has nothing to do with us (unless you’re a Jew, I guess ;)). After all, why read a bunch of history of God’s people disobeying Him over and over?

There are many reasons. Let’s start with the fact that it is Jewish history.

Have you ever heard the saying “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”? Or how about in Ecclesiastes 1:9b: “There is no new thing under the sun.”

What do these mean? Simply, if you don’t know the mistakes made in the past, you’re likely going to make the same ones. Someone will; that’s guaranteed. But you don’t have to.

Which mistakes/sins are shown in the Old Testament history? Disobedience, lying, idol worship, etc. Essentially, the breaking of every single one of the Ten Commandments. People still do these today, but why do we need to know that the Israelites did them?

In 1 Corinthians 10:11, Paul writes:

Now all these things happened unto them [the Israelites] 

for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, 

upon whom the ends of the world are come.

It literally tells us in the New Testament that everything that happened in the Old Testament was written down for our admonition—it’s a type of warning or rebuke!

So maybe it is important for us to read the Old Testament … since, after all, the New Testament tells us to.

Mr. B. told us that when he came to that section and many others during his time of only reading the New Testament, he was very confused. He didn’t understand what it was talking about since he hadn’t read that history! He was utterly lost when reading Hebrews, where it talks a lot about the old law and the new law and many other topics relating to what happened in the Old Testament.

Which brings us to the next point …

What’s with the Law?

The Old Testament is about the Israelites, God’s people. And for being God’s people, He gave them very specific laws to live by, called the Torah or the Law. You can read all about the Law in Leviticus, as well as some other books (which I won’t go into right now ;)).

Why do we need to know about the Law? We are not Israelites (unless you are), so it, again, doesn’t apply to us … right?

Well, true. We aren’t Israelites. But we are still God’s people, so in a way, we do need to know about the old law.

Notice I called it the old law though. In Hebrews especially, but throughout the New Testament, God tells us that Jesus came to fulfill the Law and bring us a new one.

Why are the two parts of the Bible called the Old Testament and the New Testament after all? A testament is, simply put, a promise. So the reason why there’s an old one and a new one is because God fulfilled His old promise through Jesus and gave us a new one.

Basically (extremely simply), the old promise was to send a Savior to save us from our sins. The Law that you read about in Leviticus was a stand-in for the Savior to make them aware of their sins and their need for a Savior. They couldn’t keep all the laws that God gave them—no one could unless they were perfect.

Enter Jesus! He was able to fulfill the Law and God’s promise and give us a new promise. The new promise is that if we believe in the Savior that God sent—Jesus—we will be saved.

Back to Mr. B. When he read about the old law and Jesus coming to fulfill it and establish a new one, he didn’t understand it.

You see, without the context of the old promise, the new one made NO sense! He understood that Jesus died for his sins, but he didn’t know about all the lead-up to it and wasn’t fully able to see God’s love and devotion to us. The fact that God kept His promise, even after thousands of years of waiting on the part of the Jews, is absolutely AMAZING.

So, reading the Old Testament can give context to the New Testament and help us understand it better! That’s a pretty good reason to read it, right? It’s two halves of the same book written by the same God who has the same love for us as in the beginning.

The two halves play off each other, so to speak. They cross-reference each other. Trying to cross-reference to a book that you didn’t read would be pretty hard, right? It’s the same here!

One last example of how this works is shown through Jesus Himself.

What about Jesus?

Jesus is the fulfillment of the old law, yes. But He fulfilled other things as well!

For instance, the promise of a Savior.

But also all the prophecies of His coming throughout the Old Testament. God promised that a Savior would come, and He also told many prophets particulars of how He would come and what would happen in His lifetime.

In Isaiah 7:14, God told the prophet:

Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; 

Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, 

and shall call his name Immanuel.

This was a prophecy of Jesus’s virgin mother, Mary.

God also told Micah the prophet where the Savior would be born: in Bethlehem (which we learn that King Herod found out from the Scriptures in Matthew 2:1–8).

But thou, Beth-lehem Ephratah, 

though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, 

yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me 

that is to be ruler in Israel; 

whose goings forth have been from old, 

from everlasting. (Micah 5:2)

And as another example, this is a prophecy of how Jesus would be sold to the priests by Judas Iscariot for thirty pieces of silver.

And I said unto them, If ye think good, 

give me my price; and if not, forbear. 

So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.

(Zechariah 11:12)

There are many, many more prophecies and symbologies in the Old Testament that only make sense when you read the New Testament, and there are many references to them in the New Testament that don’t make sense unless you read the Old Testament.

How Does This All Tie Together?

Since God gave us both parts of the Bible, wouldn’t you think He’d want us to read the whole thing? He wove His amazing love and promise through it in such a way that it only makes sense if you read the Old and New Testaments.

You get so much more with all the context, and seeing the fulfillment of the prophecies throughout the Bible is AMAZING!!!

If you don’t read the examples of the Israelites’ disobedience, what’s to prevent you from making the same mistakes they did? And it’s so difficult to realize how important and lovely the new promise is without knowing what the old one was.

So, in conclusion, I would highly encourage you to read the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. 

Mr. B. learned this the slow way, after he got married and his wife explained how much he was missing. Although he was upset at being deceived for so many years, he’s glad he finally decided to read the first half of the Bible!

I don’t want it to take that long for you to start the Old Testament, which is why I wrote this post! I hope it encourages you to start (or continue!) reading the whole Bible and learning how deep God’s love and devotion really is!

God bless,


PS: Some of you may be wondering if I’ll be posting the rest of the series I started last week: What Are We Saying. If you are one of those, have no fear! I posted the whole series last year, so if you want to read the rest of it, you can find Part 2 HERE and Part 3 HERE. Enjoy!

The Parrot’s Blessing, Part 3

In which the plot thickens, and Canon tries to make himself more of a nuisance (and succeeds). Find Part 1 and 2 HERE and HERE.


The next morning, Justin met Samantha at the mailbox. Canon was perched on her shoulder again, still staring at Justin.

“I really think he doesn’t like me.” Justin commented after a while. Samantha just laughed.

“He just acts mean sometimes, as a guard for me. He never starts out trusting anyone, until they prove themselves.”

Justin raised an eyebrow. “So I have to pass the parrot test before I can be your friend?” He asked nervously. The bird made him uncomfortable.

“I guess you could say that.” She laughed lightly, “but it isn’t that hard. Here, you want to hold him?”

Justin cringed inwardly, remembering the parrot’s insults from the day before. But Samantha had just laughed them off, so it wasn’t that big of a deal, was it?

He took Canon from Samantha, placing him on his shoulder. The parrot squawked loudly in his ear, causing him to wince.

“Sorry about that. Cannon, settle down! He’s a nice boy. Nice boy…that’s it!” She grinned as Cannon settled down on Justin’s shoulder, quiet.

Justin’s face burned hotly from her description of him, but at least he wasn’t going deaf. He smiled nervously at Samantha, hoping he wouldn’t make a fool of himself again.

“See, he likes you!”

If only you did, too. “Uh, huh.” He took a tentative step forward, the bird wobbling on his shoulder. Samantha gave an encouraging smile.

“He’ll keep his balance. If he doesn’t, he can just fly off and come back. You’ll be fine.”

Justin nodded, then yelped loudly. A flurry of brightly colored feathers blocked his veiw for a moment, then he saw Samantha’s concerned face. Canon was gone. He held a hand up to his ear, wincing as he felt a slight cut where the naughty parrot had pecked him. His hand came away bloody.

“Oh my goodness, are you okay?” Samantha gasped. Justin grimaced, clenching his jaw in pain. He would not whimper.

“Yeah, I don’t think he likes me.” He said through clenched teeth.

Samantha was silent for a moment, digging in her pocket for a tissue. Justin held it to his ear gratefully, and she gave him a shy smile.

“I’m so sorry about that. I’ve never seen him attack someone like that.” The parrot in question was nowhere in sight, having flown off after pecking Justin. They searched for him for a few minutes, but gave up quickly, Samantha explaining that when he flew off like that he would come back on his own time, and never before.

They walked on silently, not sure what to say. Eventually, Samantha broke the awkward silence.

“So what do you like to do? I mean, after you’re done with school and everything, on your own time?”

Justin hesitated, hoping she wouldn’t think his hobby was weird. “I—like to take apart things and put them back together. I finished a camera yesterday, but I’ve done radios, phones, an old computer… things like that.”

Samantha nodded, impressed. “That’s so cool! I wonder if you’d be able to fix my camera—Something’s not working and it won’t focus when I try to take a picture.”

Justin nodded excitedly. “Sure! I can do that, easy.”

After that their conversation was more relaxed and time passed quickly. Soon they had walked a whole loop around the neighborhood, ending in front of Justin’s house again. They stopped by the mailbox.

“Thank you for coming with me, Justin! It made my walk a lot more fun.” Samantha beamed at him, causing his heart to race. He smiled weakly back.

“You’re welcome. It was fun for me, too.” He touched his ear gently, feeling that the blood had dried. “Well, mostly fun.” He quirked a smile, causing Samantha to laugh.

“Yeah, I’m so sorry about that! Hey, I’ll bring my camera by tomorrow for you to look at, if that works?”

“Sure,” he nodded, biting his lip. He stuck out his hand, not sure how else to say goodbye.

She grinned, shaking the proffered hand. “See you tomorrow!” Just then, a streak of color flew down from a tree across the road and Canon landed on their hands, squawking so angrily that he couldn’t find anything witty to say.

Justin recoiled, trying to avoid another painful attack. But as soon as he let go of Samantha’s hand, the bird calmed down and took his perch on her shoulder, glaring at Justin.

“Canon! Quit that, right now!” Samantha whacked her pet gently on his back, upset. “I’m so sorry Justin. I’d swear he was jealous, if I didn’t know better.” She smirked and shook her head, waving to him as she walked away.

Justin leaned on his mailbox, confused. What did she mean, ‘If I didn’t know better.’?


Hope you enjoyed it! 😃

God bless,


Sprucing up a Boring Letter!

I’ve been needing to respond to one of my pen-pals, Lily, for a few days. But writing a letter can sometimes be boring and tiring. I barely ever fancify my letters, and they end up looking sorta sad.

But today, I decided to do something special and fun! I recently bought a HUGE pack of washi tape (that I LOVE!!!) and a couple packs of spring-themed stickers. So I broke out my supplies and sat down to write a lovely letter to my friend.

I picked out three tapes that looked good together for the inside of the letter (I used a different one for the envelope later on), my S-GEL Sharpie pen (they write so nicely, they’re my new favorite pens!), a couple markers, my sticker pad, and paper.

I started out with the washi tape and stickers, so that I wouldn’t have trouble adding them later over the top of the writing. It’s easier to write around stickers that are there than imagining where they will go later. 😂

Having finished the larger decorations, I wrote my letter. I added in some smaller stickers along the way where they fit, filling out the page and making it shine! 😁

After I finished the letter, I did the envelope the same way. Since we live near each other and usually deliver our letters by hand (LOL!), I didn’t bother with an address. I also added some washi tape on the back, not shown here.

And that’s it! It was super simple and fun, and I’m sure Lily will enjoy it. 😊

If you have a pen pal, just know it’s super fun to spruce up your letters, and it’s really easy! If you don’t have washi tape or stickers, you can always just doodle along the borders and color them in. That’s super fun as well!

Also, you can always make your own stickers! I figured out how to recently, and it’s really simple. That way, you can have custom stickers to your friends and hobbies, for free!

Have fun with your letters, and happy artzying!

God bless,

Janet 🦋