Update + Tips for Writing a Novel

As I write this, I’m sitting on my couch with a blanket wishing I had a cup of tea or coffee. It’s a little chilly, as the autumn weather sets in. Now, I KNOW it’s not fall yet, but right now it sure feels like it! (And as I’m publishing this post, it now is fall!)

Today I’ll be sharing a writing update and some of my tips for writing an entire novel!

First off, the update. As I’m writing this (in advance, so I’ll be further along when I post this), I am only 1 chapter plus the epilogue away from finishing my novel, Camp Victory. I’m on track to finish this week! I am at 49,000 words.

UPDATE: I finished it!!!

This has been about two months in writing, with another two or three months of prep before. I don’t begrudge that prep though! It was so very helpful, and will save me so much time in edits later on.

I’d like to share with you some of the tips I’ve learned through this process (and through my other writing projects!).

Stay Consistent

I’ve written about three times a week every week since I started drafting this project. This was very helpful, and it helped me keep on track. It’s all about consistency and building habits! If you just write when you feel like it, you’ll never finish. 😉

I had days when I didn’t write very much, but I still wrote. I didn’t want to, but when I started the words just kept coming. There were days when I didn’t think I had time to write, but I fit in a few hundred words anyway!

Have an Outline

Having an Outline for your project is SOOOO important! It’s like having a map before you go on your journey. If you don’t have one, you’ll wander around and get lost in the weeds, going on rabbit trails and swimming in ponds.

Okay, maybe not the ponds.

But you get my point, I think! An Outline is just an overview of where the story will go. Some people don’t like to outline at all, or very much. That’s okay, but just beware—you might have a hard time keeping on track with where exactly the story is going.

Spend Time Developing Before You Start

This is very similar to outlining, but it’s also different. And outline is the plot points of the story, but developing is more focused on worldbuilding, characters, setting, etc. Figuring out what the story aesthetic will be. If it’s fantasy, it’ll be coming up with your world and the customs and traditions in it.

This is all very helpful for when you start writing. If you know all of it already (or most of it anyway), you won’t have to waste time coming up with it as you write. Plus, if it’s already started, it’s more likely to be consistent throughout the story.

Share Your Writing

This isn’t a must (none of them are ;P), but it sure helps! I love to share snippets of scenes and characters with my writing friends and my family. It’s helpful to see what they think, and hear their advice. It can be hard to edit your story of course, or to hear anything bad about it. But you don’t have to implement all their feedback anyway! It’s just helpful to have a second or third opinion and so forth. 😉

Don’t Worry about Prose and Such

This is your first draft. You don’t have to worry about your writing style, sentence flow, grammar, etc. Not yet. Just get the words on the page. You can edit later.

Enough said.


I don’t know if there’s anything you can conclude from this, so to speak. But I hope, if you’re a writer, that my tips were sort of helpful at least! And even if you’re not a writer, I hope you learned something from them.

Until next time, happy writing and God bless!


Celebrating Wins: Something Every Writer Needs

As mentioned in my last writing-related post, I participated in Crazy Writing Week last week with a goal of finishing my WIP and writing 1,000 words a day.

Well, I successfully finished my WIP, Keegan’s Flight, during that week! However, although I did write 7,000 words in 7 days, I did not get 1,000 words a day. I ended up writing a little over that for five days and taking two off, although that was totally not planned!

On Monday, I wrote my last chapter and Epilogue, finishing the book! It was a wonderful feeling, and teamed with the fact that the Penguin Team won the competition… Monday night was pretty awesome!

Finishing a book is a HUGE thing! So, we celebrated. We had ice cream after dinner, and watched a movie!

Celebrating is something important in everyone’s lives—it’s an incentive to keep us going! So don’t just save celebration for the big things, but have a party over little accomplishments as well! Of course, save the biggest party for the biggest things… just to make it stand out. 😀

Celebration is something to give us a teeny break before we keep going. It’s the landing on the stairs. It’s the water break in the marathon. It’s the bench along the path, so take advantage of it and sit down for a moment.

The way I celebrated may not have been huge, but it felt wonderful to me! And just knowing my family supported me along the way and was there with me when I reached that milestone was a bug encouragement as well.

So now what? After celebration… we get up and keep going, right? Yes! However, I’ve taken a week’s break before beginning a new project—for two reasons.

First, to let my mind refresh.

Second, because I have no idea what my next WIP will be! I’ve been rolling several ideas around in my head, but I don’t really want to start a huge project a month before joing the Author Conservatory.

So I’ll be writing short stories for the next few weeks… some of which may end up being posted here!

Also a heads up: I’m getting close to 100 posts and 1 year of blogging, and I’d love some ideas for how to celebrate!!! Any thoughts on a special post you guys would like to see? Any cool huge project or challenge that you want me to try? Let me know down in the comments!

God bless,


Crazy Writing Week

I totally should have done a post about this before it actually started . . .

But I’m here to tell y’all about Crazy Writing Week (CWW) and what I hope to do during it.

First off: What is CWW?

It’s a week-long writing competition! Sadly, you had to sign up before it started to participate, and I’m kicking myself for not making a post about it a week ago . . .

I’m not going to get into the nitty-gritty now, but I will say that there are two teams, and they compete as to which team can write the most combined words in a week. This is held on the internet, by the Young Writer’s Workshop, and it happens once a year.

What I’m doing for CWW

This is my first time participating in CWW (I missed it last year), and I’m super excited to get tons of writing done this week!!!

I will be focusing on FINISHING my WIP, Keegan’s Flight (temporary title). I shared some of the characters from this book in a previous post, I believe.😃

So, what happened to me was, I wrote a plot and then forgot about it and went some other direction . . . which I really liked but got stuck in.

So on Friday, after not touching the story for at least two months, I sat down and fixed it all up and plotted a new ending from where I was (this is seriously the third or fourth plot for the same story . . . LOL!).

Now that I know for sure where I’m going (and I’m sticking with this last plot, no matter what!), I have a clear direction and lots of motivation to finally finish it!

During CWW, I plan to write a chapter a day and finish the book. I’m actually not that far away from the ending (which is embarrassing, considering how long I procrastinated on it), so I should be able to finish within the given time frame of 7 days.

I also added a few new characters that weren’t originally in the story (don’t worry, they’re just side characters, so they didn’t need a ton of development). The friend who came up with the original characters wanted me to do drawings of the new ones so she knows what they look like in my mind.

So I did those drawings today! In my next art post, I’ll be able to share with you a second drawing of my main character as well as two new characters (which I absolutely LOVE!!!).

And that’s my newest writing update! After I’m done with Keegan’s Flight (first draft at least), I’ll be sending it to the friend I mentioned above so she can read and critique it! While she’s doing that, I’ll be able to start a new story that’s completely my own (instead of being slightly confined by my friend’s characters and ideas . . . which wasn’t bad, just a little annoying at times).

For God’s glory!


PS: Did I mention that the teams in CWW are the Penguins and the Reindeer? I’m a Penguin.🤪