When God was my GrandFather

Two Lies and a Testimony

Have you heard the saying ‘God doesn’t have grandchildren’?

It’s true.

It means that even if your parents are children of God, that doesn’t make you one. Even if you were raised in a Christian home, you still have to make the choice to follow Jesus for yourself.

I was in that situation. Both my parents are Christians, and I believed in Jesus. I knew that he was the Son of God.

The problem is that believing in Jesus isn’t enough.

Jesus says in the Bible that even the demons believe in Him. They know He’s real (He’s their bitter enemy, so they have to know He exists…) but does that make them saved?


Satan believes that Jesus is real. That doesn’t change the fact that he is a sworn enemy of God.

I believed that Jesus was real. I even believed He’d come to earth and died for my sins.

But I didn’t understand that I needed one more thing…

Let me tell you the whole story.

How God became my Father

When I was about 11, I started having doubts. Not about Jesus being real or anything like that, but I started wondering—am I really saved?

I wasn’t sure what to do. How did I prove to myself that I was saved?

I dealt with this for nearly two years. I talked to my parents about it, but that didn’t really help. I was still missing something. I prayed about it, and God provided a missionary-type outreach for teens that I could join. I was twelve at the time, so I was in a lower level, but it was still awesome!

It was called Christian Youth in Action, or CYIA. I met many other young Christians, and grew many friendships. But I still felt like I was lost.

I still wasn’t absolutely sure that I was saved.

I figured, if I’m teaching others about Jesus, that means he’s in my heart, right? That made me feel a bit better.

But I still wasn’t quite there.

When I was 13, on my way to that year’s CYIA Pre-Training, I ended up sitting with one of the other teens’ dad. We talked for the whole 2-hour trip. He shared his testimony with me, and it was totally amazing. He’d been in the depths of despair (I won’t go into details, but it was bad), when Jesus reached in and brought him out.

He is now one of the most on-fire Christians I’ve ever met.

I was so inspired by his testimony that I just sat there, thinking about it for a while. Then he asked me, “What’s your testimony? When did you take Jesus into your heart?”

I stopped short, not sure what to say. “I…I’m not sure. I couldn’t nail down an exact place or time…” I sort of mumbled. He assured me that was ok, and we talked about something else for the rest of the trip.

During the Pre-Training, this same man’s son got a chance to share his testimony with everyone. He’d been the perfect Christian, he said. He knew all the memory verses, he knew what to say and how to act. Everyone believed him. He even believed himself.

Then something happened (again, not going into details for my friend’s privacy), and everything fell apart. He ran away from home. He was lost in sin, and didn’t know what to do.

Then he turned to God and repented, and was taken home to his family and forgiven—by both them and God.

That testimony shook me, although I wasn’t sure exactly what part of it touched me most. Skip forward a couple weeks, and I was thinking hard about both salvation stories I’d heard.

That’s when it hit me. I knew what I was missing.

Sure, I believed in Jesus. I believed that He’d died on the cross for me.

But I’d never repented of my sins. I’d never asked personal forgiveness for my transgressions against Him.

And there you are, my friends. That day, I really did have Jesus in my heart. I knew what I’d been looking for that whole time, and I finally had it.

Now I was a child of God.

The reason I called this post When God was my Grandfather is because of that lie— that if your parents are Christians, you are too.

But the other lie is this: believing in Jesus is enough. It’s not, my friends. You need to truly repent and ask forgiveness for your sins before you are really saved.

If we confess our sins,

he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,

and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

So there’s my testimony, along with the two lies I believed for so long. I want you to know the truth, my friends, so you don’t have to be blind as long as I was.

What is your testimony? When did Jesus come into your heart? If you’re alright with sharing, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

God bless,

Janet—a Child of God

The Salvation Story, Part 4

Okaaay . . . so far we’ve covered the fact that God loves you, that sin separates you from him, and that his Son Jesus Christ died to save you.

What next?

Well, the only thing you have to do is accept Jesus as your Savior! Once you believe fully in your heart and soul that Jesus died to save YOU, you can be saved.

John wrote in John 1:12:

But as many as received him, to them

gave he power to become the sons of God,

even to them that believe on his name.

When you believe in Jesus, God automatically takes you from the sinful human family and puts you in his own, as his adopted child!

Usually I tell this to children in person and ask them if they want to accept Jesus as their Savior, but since I’m talking through a screen, I guess I’ll have to ask that way.

Do YOU want to accept Jesus as your personal Savior?

If you do, you can pray to Jesus to tell him that. Praying is just talking to God, and you can do it anytime, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. You can thank him for loving you and acknowledge that you’ve sinned and that he sent Jesus for you.

Then you give God complete control over your life—one of the hardest parts for us humans. But I promise, it’s worth it. When you accept Jesus, he comes into your heart and changes you, slowly, from the inside out. It won’t happen all at once, but you will know something is different!

Now, according to the verse above, whose family are you a part of now? GOD’S!!! It’s pretty amazing :D.

You may still sin in the future—no one is perfect—but Jesus inside of you will tell you when you do wrong and help you overcome those temptations. In Hebrews 13:5, Jesus tells us through the author’s writing that

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

To put it in other words: leaving is like going shopping (you leave your house), and forsaking something is like if your house burns down—you’re never coming back.

Jesus won’t leave you or forsake you—he won’t go away even for a little while! He’ll always be with you to encourage you and help you walk in his footsteps!

And in the sixth verse of the same chapter, Paul wrote,

The Lord is my helper.

It will take effort on your part, but Jesus is there to help you grow to love and follow him. When you do disobey his commands, 1 John 1:9 can give you hope:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins . . .

“Confess” means to tell someone (in this case it’s God) that you did something wrong. If you are sorry for sinning, and you tell God that, he will forgive you every time!

So, if you’ve believed on Jesus today (or in the past), and you are in God’s family, you can learn how to know him better! How do you do that?

Find out in The Salvation Story, Part 5!

Thanks for reading, and God Bless!


All verses taken from the KJV