My Drawing Supplies

What better to have in an art section than a list of what you use for art?

Probably a lot of things, but since I can’t think of any right now, let’s stick with the supplies. ;D

First off—paper. There isn’t anything unusual about the paper I use—except that there’s so much of it . . .

When my birthday came around last year, I asked for a (singular) sketchbook.

Well, apparently my family doesn’t coordinate well, or it was just a practical joke . . . but every member of my family got me a sketchbook.

So now I have a lot of sketchbooks!

Which is great because I won’t have to get any more for a very long time . . .

Basically, I don’t really care what kind of paper I use to draw on—as long as it isn’t watercolor paper or cardstock (unless I’m sketching guidelines for a painting, but that’s a different story :D).

The paper in the sketchbook I use most often is the Ucreate brand, acid free, 75 sheets. Pretty nice paper unless you’re using pens—then it bleeds a little bit.

Although I’m pretty non-particular about my paper, I do care about the size of the paper. I just happened to get two small sketchpads along with the 12” x 9” ones, so I decided to make them special.

The first one I put in my bag so I’d have paper to draw on wherever I go.

The second one is a little more fun . . .

I dedicated that one to manga only.

You see, I draw a lot of different things—but that small sketchpad is for only manga. It’s kinda cool, actually. 😀

Okay, next!

The pencils I use for drawing are usually Ticonderoga (sharpens really well), Pro Art, or basically any other random pencil within reach ;D.

I also have some shading pencils that are really soft—STAEDTLER.

I almost always use the Pigma Micron brand for inking in my lines—they have different size tips ranging from .005mm to 1mm and are really nice for precision lines.

I also have a random Sharpie in the mix—but that bleeds through most paper, so I don’t use it much when drawing.

Then there’s a set of white, silver, and gold gel pens of the Boxun brand, which work well unless used on top of other marker.

For coloring, I have a lot of random colored pencils (survivors from a myriad of different sets) which include Sargent Art, Prismacolor, and Crayola.

All of them work really nicely, but the Prismacolor don’t sharpen quite as nicely as I’d like.

I also have an older set of STAEDTLER markers—the result of their age is that some of them are running out of ink. But I really like them for shading and for the handy fact that they have 2 tips (one large and one small).

Then I have the Arteza pens—which I LOVE so much (and they have a carry case, so I can have all 95 or so of them together), and they work really well. The only downside to the brush tips is that it is a little tedious to get into the smaller areas, but with patience, they’ll work.

One other thing that I love are my colored pens for writing—the Pen + Gear pens. I absolutely love these—the ink comes out well, they fit in my hand, and they look nice on my desk (irrelevant I know, but all the same . . .).

I just have the regular pink erasers, but I also have a couple of the cool erasers that fit on the end of your pencil—not sure what brand they are, but they’re quite handy!

I have one ruler to use for straight lines, a circle with the angles marked all around it (nice except that there wasn’t a hole in the middle when I got it, so marking the vertex of an angle was . . . tricky), and a plain old right angle—which is nicer to have than you might think!

I think that’s all the supplies I have! If I think of any other handy tools, I’ll make another post 😀

Thanks for reading, and God bless,


PS: I’ll post what my painting supplies are in a little while if you want -please comment below! 😀