Review of January + Goals

Ok guys, I’m back with a review and update, as well as my coming goals!

This month was pretty great overall, but I will go through the categories to break things down for ya’ll!

In Writing

This month I was able to finish my WIP, Keegan’s Flight, at around 20,000 words! I also blogged consistently, which is a goal for this year. 😀

However, one of my other goals was to reach 40 subscribers this month.

I did not reach that goal.


I will be setting up an email subscriber list this month though, so hopefully that will make it easier for all you wonderful people to follow me (if you want to :D)! I will also be adding a special gift for you once you do subscribe!

Goals for February: Finish The Parrot’s Blessing and start The Author Conservatory. And the email list of course! 😀

In Art

I got several art commissions this month and am working on them right now. I’m almost done with The Last Supper (see here) as well as a set for some neighbors! Also, my brother is writing a children’s book, so I’ll be illustrating that! I’m super excited.

I also made a HUGE breakthrough in my creative space (i.e., my desk area), and now it’s organized and working well! My desk area has been out of control for a while, and organizing it has brought huge relief to me. I also added some good supplies to my collection to make my writing and art easier.

Some new skills I gained (beside painting people, lol!) were painting raindrops and making stickers with ZERO cost to myself. That was fun and super easy. 😀

Goals for February: Finish my art commissions, re-do an old artwork to share with you guys, and do a gift painting for a friend. Also learn more about pastels and do some marker artwork!

In Christianity

This month was a little strange for me. I’ve been dealing with some small problems in my own routine and life, but I’ve been making more time for Jesus and reading the Bible! I won’t go into details right now, though. 😀

Goals for February: Read my Bible every morning and pray, as well as talk about Jesus more to my friends and family. Memorize more verses!

In General Life

Nothing big happened this month, but I’ve been doing pretty well all told! I got out my camera again after a while, so be looking out for some pictures in future! I also did a bit of baking (one of my side hobbies), and that was really fun!

My family and I have been spending more time together and growing our relationships. That has been a huge blessing! Also getting to see some friends for the first time in a while was great!

Goals for February: I want to re-organize my schedule and get back on track, as well as hang out with my siblings more. I will be making an effort to grow in friendships, and making new friends!

And that’s about it! Thank you guys for reading and God bless!
